Boy Scout Lawsuit Payout Date 2024: When You Can Expect to Receive Your Settlement

If you were one of the men who suffered sexual abuse from former Boy Scout leaders and members, then you might wonder when your settlement payments will come through from the lawsuit you filed against the Boy Scouts of America.

Recent development in the Boy Scout settlement case shows that the $2.46 billion settlement trust from the Boy Scouts of America has started distributing payments to individuals who experienced abuse as children at the hands of troop leaders. However, a segment of abuse survivors is still challenging the bankruptcy settlement through appeals. The first payments are being dispatched to 7,000 individuals who opted for a “quick pay” method under the Boy Scouts of America’s bankruptcy scheme. The initial 70 recipients were compensated, each receiving $3,500 without undergoing the more extended evaluation process set for the 75,000 other claimants.

The following article will discuss what’s happening now with this case and how much money you can expect to receive from your lawsuit payout when it does arrive.

What is a tort claim notice?

A tort claim notice is a formal notification that you have filed a lawsuit against the Boy Scouts of America. This notice must be served on the organization within a certain period of time, typically 30 days.

The notice must include:

  • Your name, address, and contact information.
  • The date, time, and location of the incident.
  • A description of the incident.
  • Any damages you seek.

Timeline for when you can expect to receive your settlement

The Boy Scouts of America may set a timeline for when they will start distributing settlement payments to victims of sexual abuse. Still, no date has been finalized BSA, but as per the recent development, one can expect to receive the settlement by the end of 2024 now. However, no final confirmation has been made by the BSA. 

The payments will be made on a rolling basis so that some people may receive their payments earlier than others. Further, you can contact the Boy Scouts’ claims administrator if you have any questions about the process or timeline.

Requirements for filing tort claims

If a Boy Scout leader sexually abused you, you might be entitled to compensation. The Boy Scouts of America has set up a Victims Compensation Trust Fund to pay out settlements to victims of sexual abuse. To file a claim, you must first complete and submit a Claim Form.

Once the form is received, a Case Manager will be assigned to your claim and will reach out to you to discuss the next steps.

How much will I receive from the settlement?

The amount you will receive from the settlement will depend on how many victims come forward and make a claim.

The average payout is expected to be around $3,500 to $2.7 million for more severe cases.

Is it too late to file a claim against the BSA?

If a Boy Scout leader or member sexually abused you, it is not too late to file a claim. The deadline applies regardless of when the abuse occurred.

We do offer pre-settlement funding, but currently, we don’t fund Boy Scout cases right now.✔️✔️

When can we receive the Boy Scout lawsuit payout?

Currently, there is no fixed date for the payout as yet but estimated that it will happen in end of 2024. Further it is still not clear how much longer it will take for the Boy Scouts lawsuits to be resolved and payments to be made. The Boy Scouts of America filed a plan to set aside $2.7 billion to pay about 92,000 or more former Scouts who were abused for their pain and suffering. But on July 29, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Laurie Selber Silverstein in Wilmington, Delaware, said that she could not approve parts of the plan that involved money from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Recently, US Supreme Court Alito temporarily halted Boy Scouts $2.46 billion abuse settlement.

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