Lowest Rate Lawsuit Loans

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Low Interest Rate Lawsuit Loan

Pay Only If You Win The Case
Apply easily for pre-settlement funding, fill below details.
Anyone who is a victim of an accident or personal injury due to someone else negligence is eligible to sue the offender. If you already have a pending lawsuit, you can get lawsuit loans from our company. However, the biggest reason people tend to avoid lawsuit funding is the interest rate. Now with our lowest-rate lawsuit loans, we want to cater to the plaintiffs who need cash advance but are not willing to pay higher rate of interest.
The actual interest can only be determined once we understand your case, what settlement award it can get, and how much time it will take to settle. So putting any interest rate figure will not be ethical and possible. So if you need cash for your ongoing lawsuit, and you are not willing to dilute too much of your expected future settlement award, you can apply with our pre-settlement funding company.
How We Determine The Interest Rate?
As we want to give you the lowest rate lawsuit loan, it is only possible if we do a thorough evaluation of your case. Let us mention some of the most important factors that help us determine the interest rate on lawsuit loans.
1. Lawsuit Type: What kind of damages you are involved in is the basis of the lawsuit you file. Sometimes it can be physical, mental, or economical. All these cases are eligible for a lawsuit loan. If you suffered an injury because of a car accident then the settlement award will be based on the injuries you face. But in case you are going to suffer throughout your life because of a faulty drug, the settlement value can be higher in comparison to a car accident settlement. Similarly, we based our interest rate on the type of case involved.
2. Severity of Injury: One of the other determining factors for the lowest rate is the severity of the injury. If you have suffered severe injuries and disability, and your lawsuit is strong then you can get lawsuit loans at the lowest interest rate.
3. Merit Of Case: Case strength plays a vital role in determining the amount as well as the interest rate you can get. If you have a strong case, then you are eligible to receive a much higher funding amount as well as a lower interest rate. But if your case is weak, then we are going to take a risk as there will be fewer chances of settling the case, hence the interest rate will be high. Even then you don’t have to worry, as this will be a non-recourse settlement loan, so, if you lose you don’t have to pay us anything.
Apply For Lawsuit Loan at Lowest Interest Rate
If you are a plaintiff who has an ongoing lawsuit and needs cash to continue with court proceedings, we can help. We offer best-rate lawsuit loans for various kinds of litigation involving physical injury claims, mass tort claims, and even commercial litigations.
We understand that people who are in a lawsuit have to wait a lot and spend a lot to continue with the court case. But not everyone is capable of investing all their money into a lawsuit, and many even don’t have that much cash with them. A lawsuit loan is one such solution you should get, as it will get you the cash you require urgently, with zero risk involved.
Our cash advances are based on the lawsuit strength, and we are willing to take the risk to offer you cash. In case you lose we will not be asking you for repayment. But if you are going to win, we will take a portion of your settlement award. So if you are in need of cash now, and willing to share your future settlement award with us, apply for low-interest lawsuit loans.
Get A Pre-settlement Funding Quote
If you are already in a lawsuit, then we can offer you lawsuit funding without any hassle.
CALL: 800-961-8924