Pre Settlement Funding For Ongoing Lawsuit

Do you need cash advance for lawsuit?

Pre-settlement funding offers you a risk-free cash advance, which you can use prior to settlement and repay after winning the settlement. Personal injury lawsuits are expensive and time-consuming at the same time, and if you have a case of an accident where you have lost wages and income, you have to completely rely on the compensation you get. But since the lengthy process of a lawsuit can not only make you wait for a year, it will also force you to exhaust all your savings. But now, with the pre-settlement loan solution from ECO, you have the chance to get money in exchange for surrendering a portion of your future settlement.

About ECO Pre-Settlement Funding

We have been in the legal financing industry for more than 12 years now. Our company has been offering lawsuit loans and settlement funding to plaintiffs of pending lawsuits. If you are among the people who have a pending lawsuit of personal injury and need money to cover the litigation expenses, we are here to help. We can provide you with a lump sum depending on the case strength. You can easily repay us as you win the case.

Since pre-settlement cash advance are non-recourse funding solution it become risk free for the plaintiff. As they only need to pay if they win and in case they lose no repayment is required. To qualify for a lawsuit loan from ECO you must have a strong case, an attorney is representing you and you are willing to share your future settlement award with us in exchange of money now.

pre-settlement funding

Cases We Fund

Car Accident Lawsuit

Personal Injury Lawsuit

Medical Negligence Case

Faulty Drug Case

Slip And Fall Case

Civil Rights Lawsuit

The Only Risk-Free Method To Get Funds For Lawsuit

While you are in a lawsuit, you have to bear the cost of an attorney, legal bills, and personal expenses. It all becomes very tough if you have no money in savings or you lose your job because of a personal injury. Generally, people who are in a pending lawsuit try to get a cash advance from a bank, friends, or credit lending companies. But all these are very hard to get since none of them will give you money if you have lost your job or have nothing to offer as collateral.

But our pre-settlement funding company can offer you a cash advance against your lawsuit, and that too without any risk. Since our pre-settlement is non-recourse, applicants who are taking cash from us only need to pay if they win the case, and if they lose, they will owe us nothing. This is completely true and not some marketing gimmick; since we are funding your case based on its merit, your lawsuit will act as collateral. Therefore, if you lose, you are under no obligation to repay.

Pre-settlement funding is the only risk free option to cover the expenses on a pending lawsuit

What Are The Pre-settlement Funding Benefits?

If you have a pending case in which you are asking for compensation from the other party at fault for the personal injury, then we can help. We can give you a cash advance, which you can use to pay for the legal expenses and reject any lowball offers you are getting. Here are some of the benefits which plaintiff will get if they are taking pre-settlement legal funding:

Easy To Get Cash For Lawsuit

If you are a plaintiff with an ongoing lawsuit and need money for your case, then ECO pre-settlement is the easiest place from which you can get cash. Since our company has a reputation for processing applications without any hassle, To apply, all you need to do is fill out an online form, after which our team will take care of the application and review the case. Based on its merit, we fund it, and that’s all it takes for you to get the cash advance for your lawsuit.

No Risk Because It Is Not A Loan

Pre settlement funding is not a loan; it is a cash advance solution meant only for people with a pending personal injury lawsuit. It has no characteristics similar to a bank loan. In a bank loan, you have to submit physical collateral or share proof of income, but with a pre-settlement lawsuit loan, there is no requirement for credit checks. Even if you have poor credit history, have suffered injuries, and are currently involved in a pending lawsuit, you can get a cash advance.

No Need To Settle For Less

Generally, in a personal injury lawsuit, the offending party tries delaying tactics so that the victims run out of personal savings and become complacent enough to accept the low-ball offers. Many times, we have seen that when there are cases involving big names or organizations, it becomes tough for the victims to pay for the court proceedings and manage their lives at the same time. But with pre-settlement litigation financing, you will get the advance before you reach the settlement; therefore, you will have enough money in hand to keep the proceedings at length and wait till you receive a fair offer from the court. This helps you reject any lowball settlement offer you are getting.

ECO Pre-Settlement Funding For Accident Victims

Since car accidents are the most common personal injury in the United States, we have a dedicated section to offer cash advances to car accident victims. Our company headquartered in New Jersey & Florida is helping citizens countrywide with lawsuit loans on their auto collision claims. Further, our scope of funding is not just limited to car accident claims, but we provide quick and easy cash advances against claims of personal injuries, workplace-related injuries, medical malpractice, and many more types of lawsuits.

Our Pre-Settlement Financing Steps

You Apply With Us

To apply for pre-settlement lawsuit funding, fill out an online application or call 800-961-8924. Share information related to the case, the attorney, and the amount required.

We Review Your Case

After we have your attorney’s details, we will connect with them to understand the case’s strengths, and based on its merit, we will finalize the amount we can provide to you.

Accept The Cash Advance

We will send the contract for pre-settlement loan with the terms of financing. After you and your attorney return us the signed copy, we will transfer the funds in 1-2 days.

Our Client Testimonials

When I was recovering from a car accident, I was in urgent need of cash to cover the litigation expenses. It is really getting difficult to keep up with the bills of medical as well as attorney. But as soon as I receive the pre-settlement loan over my car accident claim from ECO, I felt a lot relieve and easily pay all the bills that are pending for a while.

Jason Blair

ECO Pre-settlement helped me a lot when I was in need of cash to pay for the surgery  which was required because I suffered a spinal injury while being on a construction work. My employer was delaying the case, but I have to get the surgery quickly, which only get possible because of the lawsuit funding from your company. Thank You!

Edward Madden

Due to a very bad car crash, I suffered severe injuries and was also left with no work because of my disability. Those were the tough times as I lost my savings. When I came to know that I could use the pre-settlement funding instead of spending hard-earned money on litigation, I applied right away with ECO and got cash advance.

Brian Tower

Pre-settlement Funding FAQs

What are pre-settlement loans?

It is a financing solution created specifically for people who have a pending lawsuit and require money to pay for litigation expenses and other personal bills. Since they are unable to make ends meet or have lost their job because of personal injury. Pre-settlement gives people the option to surrender a portion of their future award in exchange for the money now.

Is pre-settlement cash advance similar to a loan?

No pre-settlement legal funding is not a traditional loan such as a bank loan. In the traditional method of getting a loan, you have to submit some form of collateral, which will be taken away if you are unable to repay the loan. However in pre-settlement financing, there is no need to submit physical collateral since money is paid on the merits of the case, and the sole risk of giving money is with the lender.

How pre-settlement lawsuit funding work?

Once you apply for a pre-settlement loan from our company, we will contact your attorney to understand how the case is, how much we can expect from the lawsuit, and what time frame is expected for its settlement. Based on the responses from the attorney and our internal legal experts, we will determine the amount we can provide. After this, we will send you and your attorney the contract of financing, and after receiving the signed copy, we will transfer the money the same day (1-2 business days).

What is the interest rate of pre-settlement funds?

Since there is no fixed interest rate on a pre-settlement loan that a company offers, generally the interest rate is in the range of 10-30%. Further, the interest rate on every pre-settlement varies from case to case and state to state. Some other factors that plays a vital role in determining the cost and interest rate of pre-settlement are the expected time of settlement, the strength of the case, and the type of case.

How much cash can I get?

The amount of cash advance which you can get in form of a settlement loan will be anywhere in between $500 to $500,000. The loan amount completely depends on the case strength, the risk involved with the lawsuit, and the expected time of settlement. In simple words cases which are strong and have higher chances of settlement in less time frame are eligible for higher loan amount.

Can I get a second pre-settlement loan?

Yes, you can get a second pre-settlement loan if all the funds you received earlier are exhausted by the litigation expenses. Generally, we can offer multiple pre-settlements, but it is only possible if you have a very strong case and our lender sees potential in your lawsuit. Only then can you expect to get a second cash advance.