IVC Filter Lawsuit Settlement Update & Payout Details

After the IVC filter class action lawsuit settlement was announced, anyone who got this medical device in the last 20 years may be eligible for compensation. The inferior vena cava (IVC) filter is a device designed to prevent blood clots from migrating to your heart and other parts of the body by blocking off blood flow through the lower body part of the leg veins.

How many people have filed a case against the IVC filter manufacturer?

As of August 2022, more than 16,000 lawsuits have been filed against IVC filter manufacturers; when DrugWatch last updated the number of active cases, it was 14,000.

It shows that people are still filing cases against IVC filter manufacturers.

Who can file an IVC filter lawsuit?

IVC filter lawsuits are class action lawsuits filed against medical device manufacturers.

The plaintiffs say that their doctor didn’t tell them enough about the risks of this device and that they were hurt after it was put in. If you or a family member had a bad IVC filter put in, you may be able to get money for it. Since lawsuits are costly and become more expensive when you are fighting against big manufacturers that are resourceful, IVC filter lawsuit loans can help you when you need funds while you are in an ongoing IVC filter settlement process.

IVC Filter Settlement Payout Amounts 2022

There is no maximum payout amount in these settlements.

The amount will vary from person to person based on their individual needs.

Typically, the bigger awards go to people who have lost the most (i.e., lost wages because they can’t work due to injury).

Recent Payouts Are:

March 2018

3.6 Million dollars were awarded to the Sherr-Una Booker (1st Verdict Against Bard)

February 2019

Tonya Brand received $3 million in compensation for the Cook Bellwether Trial. (Source)

This List will be updated…

Who can apply for compensation from the settlements?

To qualify for compensation from the settlements, you must meet all of these conditions:

  • You were implanted with an IVM or G2 filter in your inferior vena cava (IVC) or jugular vein.
  • The filter gave side effects and caused personal injury to you or your loved one.
  • You are a citizen of the USA.
  • You have not yet filed a claim for compensation from any other settlement fund.

IVC Filter Lawsuit Deadline

The statute of limitations in an IVC filter lawsuit depends on the state in which you reside.

In most states, the IVC filter lawsuit deadline is 2 years from the day you suffered an injury from an IVC filter implant. Further, this limit can be as high as 4 years.

When will I receive my money from the IVC settlement?

It is still unclear when the plaintiff will receive the IVC filter settlement payout.

As per Law360, the IVC filter manufacturer was hit with a $3 million verdict in vein filter lawsuits. In June 2021, a federal jury in Wisconsin awarded $3.3 million to a woman who claimed that a vein filter broke and a piece got stuck in her heart. The jury found that the manufacturer was responsible for failing to disclose the risks associated with the device.

The plaintiffs said that when these devices were used to treat different medical conditions, they caused serious injuries. These devices are designed to catch blood clots before they enter an artery and cause a stroke or heart attack.


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