Thinking About Getting Cash Before Your Case Settles? Read This Pre-Settlement Funding Checklist If you've been injured and are suing for compensation, you may be interested in getting an advance on any settlement you might receive. Companies that provide lawsuit cash...
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Attorney Funding
Lawyers and law firms face several challenges when their cases keep dragging on. Working on the case for years, which is generating no result, can be frustrating, and if you are working on contingency fees, this situation can worsen. We know that a lawyer has a...
Are Commercial Lawsuit Loans Worthy?
If you’re considering a pre-settlement loan for your commercial litigation case, it’s important to understand the pros and cons. Being in commercial litigation can be daunting, especially when it comes to paying for the legal process of your case. Pre-settlement loans...
How Many Car Accident Loans Can I Take?
Have you suffered injuries due to a car accident and hit the maximum payout with your insurance? If so, a car accident lawsuit loan could be the lifeline you need. While there aren't stringent regulations about the number of loans you can take or how much a lender can...
Camp Lejeune Lawsuit: Background and Overview
Camp Lejeune is located in North Carolina; it’s a United States Marine Corps base. The base's water supply may have been tainted with dangerous chemicals for many years, which led people who were hurt to file a lawsuit. In the years between 1950s and 1980s, people say...
Terms Of A Settlement Loan
When people need funds during an ongoing settlement period they try to get a settlement loan. But many people are not aware of what kind of cash advance they are getting. Of course, it is not advisable to take any type of loan without having sufficient knowledge about...
What Are The Risks Of Getting A Lawsuit Loan?
People only try to get a loan when they are in urgent need of money; similarly, people who are in a lawsuit when they need cash advances turn toward a lawsuit loan company for quick funds. But very few people know that there are certain lawsuit loans risks associated....
Pre-settlement Funding A Way Of Instant Cash Against Lawsuit
Let's be honest - being part of a lawsuit sucks. From the legal jargon to the endless motions and filings, it's enough to make your head spin. And if you're the plaintiff - the little guy going up against a massive company or organization - it can feel like you're all...
How Much Lawsuit Loans Cost To Plaintiff?
A lawsuit loan is a financial tool that aims to help plaintiffs with quick cash when they are in the middle of a lawsuit. When hearing the term loan, everyone wants to know what they have to pay afterward and how costly it will be for them. All of your questions will...
Are Settlement Loans Bad?
Whenever a plaintiff gets denied a settlement loan, they start to say bad things about it. But when you ask the plaintiff who got the settlement loans when they needed the money most during a pending lawsuit, they are all praised for it. Settlement loans generally...
Grants For Car Accident Victims
It's never easy to deal with the pain and suffering caused by an auto accident, but it can be even more difficult if you don't have the right insurance in place or your own car insurance doesn't cover the injuries you suffered. Other than physical injury, victims of...
IVC Filter Lawsuit Settlement Update & Payout Details
After the IVC filter class action lawsuit settlement was announced, anyone who got this medical device in the last 20 years may be eligible for compensation. The inferior vena cava (IVC) filter is a device designed to prevent blood clots from migrating to your heart...
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