Valsartan Lawsuit Loans

Easy Cash Advance For Victims Of Valsartan Side Effects

People who suffered injuries from Valsartan side effects are eligible to file a lawsuit against the drug manufacturer so that they can get compensation for the damages. Most of the mass tort claims are time-consuming and expensive. Therefore, plaintiffs may need to raise cash while they have a pending lawsuit. A Valsartan lawsuit loan is one such perfect funding service available to people who are trying to afford these legal costs.

valsartan lawsuit loans

Why Valsartan Manufacturers Are Facing Lawsuit

The FDA announced a recall of several drugs in 2018 that contain the ingredient valsartan, an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB). The recall is due to an impurity, N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), which has been found in the drug. NDMA is a known carcinogen, and exposure to it has been linked to an increased risk of cancer. Many people claimed that they suffered injuries because of the use of Valsartan and blamed the manufacturers for hiding the side effects. Now many of the consumers of Valsartan are filing lawsuits against the manufacturer so that they can get the compensation they deserve for the losses they suffered.

Who Qualifies For Valsartan Lawsuit Loans

People who have a pending lawsuit against Valsartan are eligible for lawsuit loans, but there are a few more criteria that need to be met before taking one out.

  • Victims of valsartan side effects can apply
  • You must have a pending lawsuit
  • An attorney is representing your case in court.

If you got hurt because of a bad drug (Valsartan), you might be wondering if you can get a Valsartan lawsuit loan.

The answer is, “it depends.” Most of the time, you need to have already filed a personal injury lawsuit and have a lawyer representing you in order to get a lawsuit loan. Additionally, you must have a strong case with a good chance of winning. If you meet these criteria and are in need of financial assistance to help cover the costs of your litigation, Valsartan lawsuit loans are the right option for you.

Common injuries caused by Valsartan that make you eligible for a cash advance

  • Liver cancer or any liver injury
  • Kidney cancer
  • Abdominal cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Failure of an organ that leads to hospitalization

Pre-settlement Funding Process For Valsartan Claim

To get the lawsuit loan, you need to fill out the online application or call us at 800.961.8924. Provide us the basic information related to your case, the loan amount you require, and the details of your attorney.

Our team will work with your lawyer to figure out the strength of the case and see if it qualifies for a cash advance. Once we are sure that your lawsuit has enough strength, we can offer you a lump sum in exchange for a portion of your future settlement reward.

Further, interest rate on the Valsartan lawsuit funding depends on

  • Case strength
  • Amount required
  • Injuries effect
  • Expected settlement time
  • Reputation of the attorney
  • Expected reward amount from Valsartan claim

We understand that not everyone’s situation is the same, so we’ll work with you to tailor a loan that meets your specific needs. We’ll send you a contract if everything looks good and you’re ready to move forward. Once you sign and return the contract, we’ll wire the funds directly into your account so you can start focusing on your case again.

Get Easy Funds For Valsartan Claim And Pay For Medical Expenses

Many people who are suffering from side effects of Valsartan need immediate medical care and even surgery. But lawsuits against Valsartan are going to take years, and in the meantime, you will need money. Therefore, our pre-settlement funding company offers a funding service called Valsartan lawsuit loans, where we offer you a cash advance that you can use right now and repay after winning the settlement.

Our cash advances are non-recourse funding, which makes them the only risk-free option available to the plaintiff. Other than being risk-free, our Valsartan case financing is easy to get with very little paperwork. We don’t ask for any credit checks and fund your case based on its strength. So you will get the deserved amount prior to your case being settled.

Pay all your medical bills and go through surgeries without worrying about the repayment, as your future reward will be used to settle the loan you are taking right now. To apply fill the below given lawsuit loan for or call at 800.961.8924

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