Jersey City Lawsuit Loans

Lawsuit loans, also called litigation finance in Jersey City, are an innovative way to pay for the costs of your lawsuit or legal matter by borrowing money against the settlement you expect to receive if you win your case. In many cases, lawsuit loans can cover all or part of your legal costs before, during, and after the trial.

Who qualifies for lawsuit loans?

People who are having trouble paying their bills and can’t wait for their lawsuit settlement can get lawsuit loans. They will provide the cash flow you need to get by while your lawsuit proceeds in court. This way, even if you do not receive your settlement right away, you can still make ends meet without having to worry about selling off assets or taking on more debt. The best part is that, because lawsuit loans are based on the riskiness of your case and not your credit score, anyone with a personal injury case in Jersey City can qualify for them! But to qualify there are a few key points you should know about

  • Lawsuit loans are only for plaintiffs with an ongoing case
  • You have a legitimate lawsuit in Jersey City
  • You are at no fault for the accident and injuries
  • An attorney is representing you in court
  • Your case has a strong probability of receiving a favorable judgment

Cases eligible for lawsuit loans in Jersey City

For almost every type of personal injury claim in Jersey City, we can provide pre-settlement funding. Below is the list of common lawsuits that we fund.

You can also check here the complete list of Cases We Fund. In case, you do not see your case type here, call us at 800-961-8924, to know more about your case funding options.

Benefits Of Pre-settlement Funding

If you’re thinking about filing a lawsuit or have already filed one but need quick funds to settle pending bills raised because of an accident and related lawsuit, Our Jersey City lawsuit loans allow you to borrow money and pay it back with interest once you receive the compensation. Here are five benefits of obtaining a lawsuit loan to assist with funding your pending court case:

  • You don’t have to worry about paying the loan back if you lose your case
  • You can use the money from a lawsuit loan to pay for living expenses and other costs while you wait for your case to settle
  • A lawsuit loan can give you the financial resources you need to hire the best possible legal representation.
  • A lawsuit loan can help level the playing field between you and the deep-pocketed defendant in your case.
  • A lawsuit loan can give you the peace of mind of knowing that you don’t have to worry about how you’re going to pay your bills while you wait for your case to settle

Pay off high-interest debt before your case settles

Medical bills, credit card debt, and other types of high-interest debt can be worrisome for many, and in times when you have lost your job because of an accident, it even hurts more. While you wait for compensation, you can use lawsuit financing to pay off these types of debts. Mostly, lawsuits in Jersey City can take months or even years to settle depending on the type of case, and Jersey City lawsuit loans really help plaintiffs when they need the money most to settle other high-interest debts or even their personal expenses like gas and electricity bills.

How Much You Need?